Carabao Mango was virtually unknown Mango specie in the Philippines and was not that well commercialized and exported back then. Reason for this is because Carabao Mango has a genetic characteristic to be a biennial fruiting mango. Biennial means it fruits every other year. So you wait another year to get good harvests. Carabao Mangoes are delicious no doubt back then along with Pico, another specie of mango from the Philippines. But commercialization was not feasible because of lack of supply especially for the export market. But one scientist from UP Los Banos came up with a solution. His name is Dr. Ramon Barba and he came up with a flower inducer called "Potassium Nitrate". How did Dr. Ramon Barbas' work helped the Mango industry in the Philippines?? Priceless... it maybe is one of the inventions that contributed billions of pesos for a certain fruit industry for the last 2 decades.
If you were to sum up all the export earnings of Carabao Mango or Super Manila Mango as they call it in the foreign market, it would be billions of pesos for our country that contributed greatly and helping our economy along with Pineapples, Coconuts, and Bananas. So, we owe a great appreciation to a scientist named Dr. Ramon Barba of UP Los Banos for inventing a flower inducer making Carabao Mangoes year round available in our country. My hats to you Dr. Ramon Barba for such a brilliant discovery and in behalf of all the Filipinos in the world, we thank you for giving us opportunity to savor eating Carabao Mangoes either eating it with Bagoong, making shakes, or simply eating it out of hand by peeling the skin until the juice drips in your hands and arms until you taste that sweet/sour fiberless delicious mango.
Well, Carabao Mango doesn't end there, there are many things to know about our beloved Mango. In planting Carabao Mangoes in your farm. You better choose the best strains of Carabao Mangoes in the country. One of the famous strains in the country was "Lamao" which was named after a place in Bataan where it was told to be originated. This was the most planted Carabao Mango in the country until other strains came out. Like the Guimaras strains (Talaban & Fresco) , MMSU Gold, Sweet Elena, and many other certified strains. We also need to mention Guadalupe Mangoes from Cebu, I was told that this strain of mango is the reason why Cebu Dried Mangoes are the best in the Philippines. I was told that Guadalupe strain mangoes have there roots or parents trees originate in the town of Manjuyod and Bindoy in Negros Oriental, which is known for there sweet and delicious Carabao Mangoes.
So before you plant your own Carabao Mangoes in your farm or backyard, plant those certified carabao mango strains that are being sold in by Bureau of Plant and Industry and reliable fruit nurseries around the country. It is also advisable to attend seminars on Mango Production to make sure you don't make mistakes on spending money on developing a Mango orchard. It is wise to visit a successful mango farmer first so that you can have tips and techniques on how to be a successful mango grower. To help you and guide you on your development of your Mango orchard, DOST-PCARRD has come up with a website named MANGO INFORMATION NETWORK (MIN) so that Mango growers will have an idea on the production, market, feasibility study of Carabao Mangoes. Other feature of the site is different uses of mangoes like making dried mangoes, chutneys, purees, juice, rolls etc... This site is probably one of the best sites in getting information on how to start a Mango orchard in the Philippines.
Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
Mango Juice
Keep Posting:)
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